In Case No One Told You This: Must-knows for First-time Pet Owners

dog on the couch

Deciding to bring a pet home may sound easy enough. As long as they have food and water and you play with them, they’re good, right? But owning a pet requires more than just providing for their needs. Aside from being a great provider, pets require your love, medical care, and attention.

If you plan on adopting a pet soon, then there are lots of things you need to know before diving into the pet ownership wagon. Here are some of the most critical must-knows to consider.

Heartbreaking Pet Ownership Statistics

Everyone can own pets, but not all of us have what it takes to be responsible pet owners. Recent statistics show that 67% of U.S. households have a pet. But even with the great number of pets being adopted in shelters, 20% are returned.

Some pet owners return their pets saying their pets have destructive, aggressive, or disobedient behaviors. Others were surprised by the annual cost of pet ownership. Some claim health issues are the main reason for returning a pet.

So if you think you’re up for the many challenges that come with owning a pet, it is worth knowing that the journey won’t be an easy one. Owning a pet is a big responsibility, as big as raising your own children. But since your dog won’t grow old to move out and live a life of their own, know that they will be dependent on you for the rest of your life.

Why Pest Control Is Crucial for Households with Pets

Not many people consider pest control before adopting a pet. You may not have any problems with ants, rats, mosquitoes, or other pests before. But once you get yourself a pet, you will find that pests can make their way into your home if you are not careful.

Pests are harmful to human health. But not many people realize that these unwanted guests can also cause harm to your favorite fido. For instance, mosquitoes can cause heart worms to dogs and cats. Rats can cause Leptospirosis. If you ever find pests trying to turn your home into their next abode, don’t hesitate to call a reliable pest control company to rectify the problem.

How Long You Can Safely Leave Your Pets Home Alone

cute small white dog with empty white plate on the kitchen table

As much as possible, many pet owners would rather take their pets with them than leave them home alone. Others would ask a loved one or even hire a pet sitter while they are away. Some would rather choose pet boarding. But how long can you leave your pet home alone without worrying about their safety and well-being?

Experts say this is dependent on the kind of pet you have, their age, energy and fitness level, bladder control, and the location where you plan on leaving them, among many others. Consider all factors before leaving your pet to make sure they don’t feel lonely and uncared for.

These are but three things everyone need to know before getting a pet. Knowing these things will open your mind and heart on some realities you will need to face after saying yes to pet ownership. The journey may not be easy, but the experience will be worth it and can even be life-changing for both you and your newest family member.

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